Gas Station Ready

Reilly Kelleher

Reilly is a legend up in the frozen north where he runs JBER Strength and Conditioning. It took us a while to get him on here, but he's definitely the most requested guest we've had on the podcast and the wait was worth it. Especially because all of those requests came from soldiers he has trained who can vouch for the impact he has on everyone who comes through his facility. After well over a decade of training soldiers, Reilly was recently recognized as the Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year, which is particularly noteworthy since unlike much of the industry he not only doesn't seek attention, he actively avoids it. There's nowhere to buy programs from him, and if you request to follow him on Instagram he won't accept it. This guy is all about doing the work, and getting soldiers Arctic Strong. The proof is how much leaders have invested in him: both his facility and Wolf's Lair up at Ft Wainwright are the tangible results of his work, and he was one of the first two civilians ever to graduate from the Army's Cold Weather Orientation Course, earning him the coveted Arctic tab.


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