Definitely Not Legal Advice

Matt Fitzgerald

In our continuing effort to not get fired and/or go to jail over this podcast, we thought it might be prudent to talk to a legal professional. Matt's background as an infantry officer turned lawyer gives him a unique perspective on military issues, and as you'll hear in this episode he has a special focus on social media policy. In fact, his work has been a driving force behind recent updates to DoD social media rules. Among other outlets, you can find Matt's work on LawFare, War on the Rocks, the Modern War Institute, and the Harvard National Security Journal. After leaving active duty earlier this year he also provided over 1,000 hours of free legal support to displaced Afghans seeking asylum in the United States.

Disclaimer: Our discussion in no way reflects the official position of the Department of Defense or the federal government, and nothing in this podcast episode should be understood as legal advice, nor does this discussion in any way form an attorney-client relationship. Don’t take legal advice from a podcast, especially not from this podcast.


MWI Article

“New” Social Media Guidance

Harvard National Security Journal/Full Form Argument

Expanded Recruiting Pool Argument

LTG (R) Hertling's TED Talk


Gas Station Ready


How to Build Your PT Plan