Army: A Day in the Life Report

From October 2021 to February 2022 the FORSCOM Inspector General conducted no-notice inspections of 66 company-level units from 25 different brigades across 8 installations. Their goals were to figure out how soldiers and leaders spend their time throughout the day and to identify the most common sources of disruption and unpredictability.

While this is only a piece of the puzzle, it’s a lens into the inefficiencies of day-to-day life in the Army. I don’t have all the solutions, but I know that even modest efforts to empower junior leaders can improve some of these issues. And one of the best ways to do that is to give them productive tasks to focus on.

When I was a platoon leader, my company commander told us one simple thing: “If you’re doing PT or maintenance, you’re probably not wrong.” Even when the leadership was busy, our squad leaders understood this, and it cut down dramatically on wasted time. We even had a binder of workouts available so unoccupied soldiers could be sent to the gym with a plan to execute.

If you’re a human performance professional embedded in a unit that struggles with the problems described in this report, look for ways that you can leverage this to add value. Have a presence in unit spaces throughout the day, and be ready to offer training when you find soldiers that are otherwise unoccupied. 

If you’re a junior leader, look for ways to empower your subordinates even when you aren’t physically present. If you’re a senior leader, look for ways to alleviate some of these administrative burdens. Whatever level you’re at, if you’re scheduling a meeting, realize that it compromises leaders’ ability to be present in their formations.

Check out the full report HERE.


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