The President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition

Rob Wilkins

Formally speaking, our guest on this episode is The Honorable Robert Wilkins as he is a presidential appointee. Rob retired as a Master Sergeant after 26 years in the Air Force, but that was just the beginning of his career. While deployed in West Germany during the cold war, Rob got involved in bodybuilding and ended up getting in touch with early leaders in the bodybuilding community, Joe and Ben Weider, the cofounders of the IFBB. This led to Rob later being appointed as the IFBB Liaison to the military and starting his lifelong efforts to encourage fitness nationwide.

He is the Senior Military Editor for Muscle & Fitness, the Head of Veterans Outreach for Sightline Media (Military Times' parent company), and most notably he was nominated to be a member of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition. When we recorded this episode, Rob was finishing his second term on the council. He served terms under both President Trump and President Biden, one of very few to span two administrations, especially of different parties. He continues to stay closely involved in the work of the Council and the Department of Health and Human Services.

You can learn more about the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition HERE.

The White House announced the newest council appointees, including Steph Curry and Chloe Kim, HERE.


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