Tech Talk: Everything You Need to Know About Wearables

Dr. Josh Hagen, PhD

When leaders across the Department of Defense have questions about biosensing, wearable devices, or human performance data, Josh Hagen is frequently at the top of the list of experts they reach out to. He has his Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, Masters in Materials Engineering, and PhD in Materials Engineering all from the University of Cincinnati. Josh executed his graduate research in bioelectronics at the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate at Air Force Research Labs, and shortly after joined the 711th Human Performance Wing where he began his current research thrust in Human Performance Monitoring and Augmentation. His work there focused on measuring physiology utilizing wearable sensors and blood biomarkers, developing novel analytics for correlating and modeling data, and beginning to understand how to take that data to optimize performance in elite military and athletics populations. In 2018, Josh became the Director of the Human Performance Innovation Center at the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at West Virginia University, as well as Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuroscience. His latest role is Director of the Human Performance Collaborative where he leads a multi disciplinary team focused on human performance optimization.


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