Programming for Strength

The Heavy-Light-Medium Method

We’re back with another “Xs and Os” episode about how to plan your training, this time focusing on strength specifically. In this episode Drew lays out his version of the Heavy-Light-Medium framework. His primary influence here was the work of Andy Baker who was in turn influenced by Bill Starr, and you’ll find many commonalities between this framework and some of the most popular templates like Starting Strength and Westside. This version of Heavy-Light-Medium is different from the original. Instead of relying on different %1RM of the same movements, it uses exercise selections that force the athlete into differently loaded variations of the same foundational movement pattern. This adjustment makes it more applicable outside of powerlifting. Drew also introduces a variety of ways to incorporate variations on the core framework, ultimately arriving at a tactical template that looks an awful lot like “Heavy – Pump – Metcon” (you’ll have to listen to figure out that part). Some of this can get a little hard to picture visually when you’re only listening to the audio, so this episode will be accompanied by both a blog post and an Instagram post with the visuals for the 3x3 charts that are discussed. Yes, I (Alex) know I mispronounced Schoenfeld’s name at the beginning, and yes I should know better. But Drew is the one with the Master’s degree in this field, so I blame him for not correcting me.

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