Mind the Crack

Dr. Aaron Kubal, DC

Continuing our side quest of talking to the professionals calling BS on their professions, we're chatting with Chiropractor Aaron Kubal. He works specifically with chronic pain patients whose previous treatments have failed. Utilizing education & exercise, Aaron delivers a unique model of care that involves no manipulations whatsoever but rather focuses on graded exposure and patient empowerment. His approach is all about working WITH the person not on them.

Aaron is a huge advocate for evidence-based practice and has become extremely outspoken on social media in a way that is refreshing, but also makes many of his chiropractic peers very angry. His practice is delivered entirely through telehealth, which may be surprising to people who assume that chiros are all about cracking backs. As a result of his unique approach he is routinely invited to speak to audiences ranging from chiro students to orthopedic surgeons. Follow him on Instagram @aaron_kubal or we hear he's a big deal on TikTok but we're too old for that.


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