Injury Prediction: Fact or Fiction?
Lt Col Ben Hando - Dr. Sid Angadi. - Dr. Casan Scott
A month ago a study on injury prediction technology was released that got the tactical human performance space EXTREMELY riled up. Today, we have the authors of that study on to discuss what they found and the state of the search for the injury prediction holy grail. This team has done some serious work with Air Force Special Warfare to put the latest technology to the test, and as the military pursues ways to address critical levels of injuries and disability, their findings are extremely relevant.
Lt Col Ben Hando is a physical therapist and clinical researcher in the US Air Force.
He recently served as the Research Flight Commander at the Special Warfare Training Wing and he is currently a Research Fellow at Kennell and Associates. He serves on numerous Air Force and Joint level committees as an orthopedic physical therapy expert.
Dr. Sid Angadi is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia in the Department of Kinesiology and a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. He's a cardiovascular physiologist by training, with research focusing on the use of exercise to improve outcomes for patients with cases from heart disease, to kidney disease, to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Dr. Casan Scott is currently a Senior Data Scientist with NCCI. Previously, he worked as a Research Analyst with the USAF Special Warfare Human Performance Squadron and as a Data Scientist with the Army's 1st Special Forces Group THOR3 human performance team.
Read the paper here: