The Full Bird’s Eye View: A Commander’s Perspective on H2F

Colonel Jon Harvey

As a current Brigade Commander Colonel Jon Harvey oversees an embedded team of human performance professionals as part of the Army's Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) program. Because human performance in a military setting is so dependent on leader buy-in, we wanted Colonel Harvey's perspective on how he utilizes this team, and why he is personally so passionate about the program. It is obvious in this conversation that he is all in, and they're already seeing some impressive results.

Colonel Jon Harvey is a US Army Field Artillery Officer and commander of the 18th Field Artillery Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He has commanded soldiers at every level from small units up to brigade, and he has extensive staff experience including the Joint Staff, the Army Staff, and U.S. Forces Afghanistan. His postings have taken him all over the world from Korea to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to Fort Drum, New York, to Washington, D.C., and now to the center of the universe at Fort Bragg. Operationally, he has served in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Haiti, and Iraq. He has a bachelors in political science from Eastern New Mexico University, a Master’s degree from the Army Command and General Staff College, and a Counterterrorism and Public Policy Fellowship from Duke University where he focused on military senior leader decision-making and the Army’s professional military education of staff officers.

You can find Colonel Harvey on his (very active) Instagram page.

The 18th FAB H2F team (STORM) also has its own Instagram page.


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