Ambitious Women in the Army

MAJ Sidney Jaques

Sidney Jaques has logged quite a few firsts for women in the Army. In 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne she became the first woman assigned to one of their infantry battalions. While serving in that capacity, she attended Ranger Assessment and Selection (RASP2) and was selected to serve as the Ranger Regimental S1. Once she graduated Ranger School she became the first woman in the Army to have earned both the Ranger tab and Ranger Regiment scroll.

This journey has not been without its challenges, and in the episode she discusses some of the hardship she faced along the way. But more importantly she shares how she uses her experience to help mentor and support the women who are following in her footsteps.

Sidney is outspoken and active on social media, and you can find her platform Balance Your Grit on Instragram.


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