What Is A Subject Matter Expert?

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When I graduated from college with a degree in kinesiology, I thought I had all the answers, just like many new graduates. I was convinced I could turn every client into an all-star athlete in no time. In reality, I was firmly perched on the proverbial “dumbass peak” of the Dunning-Kruger effect, overestimating my knowledge because I didn’t yet know how much I still had to learn. My degree, certifications, and internship experience gave me a solid foundation, but that was only the beginning. Fast-forward 15 years, and while I still find it odd to be called an expert, given the endless amount of information out there, I’ve come to appreciate the true value of expertise, continual learning, and mentorship.

This article explores the concept of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), particularly in the field of human performance. We’ll discuss the origins and misconceptions of the popular “10,000-hour rule,” how Bloom’s Taxonomy helps define the skill set of an SME, and why real SMEs are key to the implementation of new systems like the U.S. Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) model.

Defining Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Across various industries, SMEs are individuals with “specific expertise and responsibility in a particular area or field” (Proffitt Lavin et al., 2007). In human performance, an SME might hold advanced degrees in exercise science, biomechanics, or nutrition, coupled with extensive hands-on experience. They not only know how to teach and perform exercises but also understand the underlying principles and evaluate outcomes effectively.

Yet, as Proffitt Lavin et al. point out, there are no universal standards for declaring someone an SME. This ambiguity means individuals, or entire organizations, might label someone as an expert without the depth of knowledge to genuinely earn the title. In human performance, that could be a self-proclaimed “guru” with untested methods, or in the military, it could be the soldier who happens to score highest on the physical fitness test yet lacks the education to safely and effectively train a unit.

The 10,000-Hour Rule: Origins and Misconceptions

Perhaps the most famous popularization of expertise comes from Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers: The Story of Success (2008), where he cited the “10,000-hour rule.” Gladwell used examples such as The Beatles’ performance schedule in Hamburg and Bill Gates’ early programming experiences to argue that mastery requires roughly 10,000 hours of dedicated practice. Prominent powerlifting coach Louis Simmons echoes the concept in the “Westside Book of Methods”. This concept traces back to a study by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson and his colleagues (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993) on violinists at a music academy in Berlin. The top students in the study had accumulated an average of 10,000 hours of practice by age 20.

However, Ericsson has repeatedly emphasized that the “10,000-hour rule” is an oversimplification. The number was an average among the best students, some had fewer, and some had more. Moreover, it was not just the quantity of practice that mattered, it was the quality of the practice, often referred to as “deliberate practice.” Deliberate practice involves working with a skilled coach or mentor who provides targeted feedback and helps the learner focus on specific weaknesses. As Ericsson and others have argued, someone could spend 10,000 hours practicing inefficiently or practicing the wrong technique altogether, resulting in minimal improvement. Conversely, fewer hours of high-quality, deliberate practice under expert guidance might lead to far greater skill acquisition. Think about how much more you would learn about trauma care from an 18D (Special Operation Medic) compared to a local CPR instructor in the same amount of time.

In human performance, this underscores the importance of seeking not just experience, but informed experience. A leader who has spent thousands of hours in a gym might still not be an expert if those hours were spent reinforcing incorrect techniques or lacking the critical analysis required to optimize performance. True SMEs constantly refine their methods, seek updated credible information and adapt their strategies based on outcomes.

Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Skill Set of an SME

Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a framework for understanding how knowledge and skills progress from basic recall to creative problem-solving. The taxonomy’s levels (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating) offer a lens through which to evaluate the capabilities a SME should possess. In human performance, these levels can be interpreted as follows:


An SME must recall fundamental concepts, such as exercise techniques, training protocols, nutrition guidelines, and basic biomechanics.


They should grasp the underlying principles behind these techniques the “why” and relate them to real-life scenarios and demands.


SMEs need to apply their knowledge effectively across diverse contexts, designing varied training programs for different populations, skill levels, and individual needs.


Expert human performance professionals can analyze performance metrics and break down complex movements to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.


They must be able to evaluate outcomes against objective benchmarks, adjust training protocols, and set realistic goals for continuous improvement.


At the highest level, SMEs are innovators they develop novel training approaches, customize programs to meet unique individual needs, and contribute new insights to the field.

In other words, time alone does not guarantee expertise. The real mark of an SME lies in their ability to analyze, evaluate, and create, which typically arises from a combination of mentorship, structured education, and meaningful experience.

The Dangers of Unqualified SMEs and How to Overcome within H2F

Within a human performance system, labeling someone as an SME without the requisite training can lead to significant setbacks. An example is the Army’s push for increased reliance on unqualified service members for the implementation of the H2F system without adequately training them. The H2F system is designed to address multiple dimensions of soldier health to improve overall readiness and reduce injury. While the concept is sound, problems arise when the individuals responsible for implementing or instructing within the H2F system lack the depth of expertise to do so effectively. To be clear this is not the fault of the service members, they often mean well. They are not put in positions to succeed by a system that thrusts them into a role without adequate training.

  • Misguided Training Protocols: An underqualified SME might introduce training routines that are not evidence-based, potentially leading to overtraining, and injury. Reliving the problems H2F was implemented to address.

  • Poor Program Alignment: Without a strong grasp of the 5 pillars, an unqualified SME could neglect critical components such as nutrition, sleep hygiene, or mental resilience.

  • Erosion of Trust: When participants see poor results or experience injuries, trust in the system and the organization’s leadership can erode.

In contrast, contracted staff, typically hold recognized certifications, advanced degrees, and have verifiable experience. They understand how to apply the principles of H2F correctly, from physical training to stress management. By drawing on current research and established best practices, these professionals should provide the needed mentorship and guidance to select service members designated to lead their units H2F system. This process takes time, cooperation from leadership, and a training approach that goes well beyond a brief two-week course.

Why SMEs Are Needed to Implement New Systems

When an organization adopts a new system or program, especially one with the scope

of H2F, it needs the guidance of subject matter experts both contracted and service members for several reasons:

1. Evidence-Based Practice: SMEs rely on research, validated methodologies, and measurable outcomes. This is essential for a system that integrates multiple dimensions of health and performance into the military structure.

2. Adaptability and Scalability: Expert practitioners can adapt programs to different populations, whether they are SOF operators, combat arms, or non-combat arms soldiers ensuring that the system is both scalable and flexible, meeting the unique needs of each unit.

3. Continuous Improvement: SMEs with the higher-order skills outlined in Bloom’s Taxonomy (Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating) will regularly assess program outcomes and innovate accordingly, maintaining a cycle of continuous improvement.

4. Risk Management: Incorrect or incomplete implementation of training protocols can lead to injuries and long-term setbacks. Qualified SMEs can anticipate these risks and mitigate them through proper technique, progressive programming, and evidence-based protocols.

5. Credibility and Buy-In: When participants see that programs are led by qualified experts who can explain the rationale behind every exercise or intervention, they are more likely to trust and commit to the program.

The Role of Deliberate Practice and Expert Feedback

Tying everything together, the core reason SMEs are invaluable is that they facilitate deliberate practice and continuous learning for all service members. As Ericsson’s research highlights, practice must be focused, strategic, and informed by ongoing feedback. In human performance:

  • Feedback Loop: SMEs provide real-time cues and corrections, preventing athletes or soldiers from ingraining poor movement patterns. They also model these feedback techniques for up-and-coming leaders.

  • Goal-Oriented Progressions: Expert-designed programs progress systematically, targeting key areas at each stage of development.

  • Analytical Tools: SMEs use data such as performance metrics and video analysis to identify issues, track progress, and refine training methods in accordance with Bloom’s higher-order skills.

With a qualified SME guiding the process, organizations see more tangible results, fewer injuries, higher performance metrics, and an overall culture of continuous improvement.


A subject matter expert in the human performance field is more than just a coach with experience. True expertise involves deep knowledge, practical application, analytical thinking, and creative problem-solving, qualities that can be understood through Bloom’s Taxonomy. While the popular “10,000-hour rule” highlights the importance of substantial practice, it falls short by ignoring the necessity of deliberate, high-quality practice guided by a skilled mentor. In large-scale initiatives like the Army’s H2F system, the line between a genuine SME and an unqualified individual can be critical. By investing in the right experts both contracted professionals and well-trained service members, organizations can build a robust framework that evolves with ongoing feedback and stands the test of time. In a field where human performance can profoundly affect careers and lives, leveraging genuine expertise is not just beneficial. It’s essential.


  • Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, 100(3), 363–406. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224827585_The_Role_of_Deliberate_Practice_in_the_Acquisition_of_Expert_Performance

  • Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company.

  • Proffitt Lavin, R., Dreyfus, M., Slepski-Nash, L. A., & Kasper, C. E. (2007). Subject Matter Experts: Facts or Fiction? Nursing Forum, 42(4), 189–195. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17944700/


Mark A. Christiani is a Tactical Strength, and  Special Operations Army Veteran. He has human performance experience in the worksite wellness, collegiate and tactical settings. Mark holds a Master of Science in Sports Medicine from Georgia Southern University and several certifications, including CSCS and RSCC. Currently, he serves as an on-site Human Performance Specialist with the US Army Reserves. Mark's extensive background in research, coaching, and injury rehabilitation underscores his commitment to advancing the field of sports science and human performance.




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