Got an Idea?

One of the main reasons we launched MOPs & MOEs was to provide a platform for thought leaders in the human performance community to share ideas.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Writing must be ready to publish. We may propose changes/edits, but submissions must be fully formed as opposed to just back-of-the-napkin ideas.

  2. These are your ideas, not ours! We’re looking for complete submissions, not recommendations for things that we should write ourselves.

  3. Work citing any scientific research, quotes, other material, etc. must have links to original source.

  4. We reserve the right to disagree with your content…sometimes publicly for the sake of discussion. The idea of open discourse is a foundational principle of MOPs & MOEs.

  5. Please include your write-up and any relevant images, a brief bio, and a high-resolution headshot.