Royal Army Physical Training Corps
WO2 Steve Turner
On this week's episode, we're headed across the pond. WO2 Steve Turner is a Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor in the British Royal Army Physical Training Corps, and he's here to help us understand how the British Army approaches physical fitness.
If you're in the US military, it's worth noting up front that Warrant Officers in the British Army are not quite the same as ours. He's much more like what we would call a Sergeant Major.
The topics we covered include everything from how NCOs can take on full-time roles as physical training instructors to how they've recently updated their testing to (as listeners have come to expect from us) a discussion of how their soldiers are fed.
Their new Role Fitness Test Soldier is quite similar to our ACFT, they have just started implementing something called EDGE, which parallels our H2F, and although we discuss plenty of differences between our approaches there are some similar challenges and valuable lessons we can learn from their model.
This document describes the various fitness tests British soldiers take at different career points, depending on their occupation.
You can find an excellent hype reel that will have you ready to go try out for the RAPTC here.
If you're ready to try out, here's an overview of the selection process for RAPTCIs.