Operator Syndrome

Dr. Chris Frueh

Dr. Chris Frueh is back for his second appearance on the pod! If you missed our previous conversation with him we dove into the dysfunction at the VA, with particular emphasis on the disability system.

Dr. Chris Frueh, PhD is a Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii-Hilo. He has over thirty years of professional experience working with military veterans and active-duty personnel, and has conducted clinical trials, epidemiology, historical, and neuroscience research. He has co-authored over 300 scientific publications, including a graduate textbook on adult psychopathology.

Recently his work has been intensely focused on a phenomenon called "operator syndrome," a set of complex, interrelated medical-psychological injuries faced by military special operators. This is interwoven with the concept of high allostatic load, but with a particular focus on the types of stresses and exposures unique to the military and combat.

Chris' book released just a few months ago, you can pick up a copy here!

If you're not ready for the full book but still want to learn more about the topic, Chris published this article in the International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine laying out the Operator Syndrome phenomenon.


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